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Find out most suitable career path for Graduates and Freshers
Find out most suitable career path for Graduates and Freshers
Find out most suitable career path for Graduates and Freshers
Find out most suitable career path for Graduates and Freshers
Kareer Propel is a one-stop solution for all your career planning needs. Our certified career analysts work closely with everyone involved in the career decision-making process, powered by proven scientific process, sophisticated psychometric analysis and artificial intelligence. With a five dimensional advance analytical assessment of personality, interests, learning styles, career motivators and skills and assessments; we ensure that each one of our student client has a personalised, unique and clear career plan. We empower and support our students with information and data on diverse new-age careers and dynamic courses which help them make informed decisions throughout the process of their career development phase.
Our Mission
To help students and professionals discover themselves, their aspirations and their strengths and weaknesses in order to realise their true potential and achieve success by creating outcomes they believe in.
To unlock core beliefs and create lasting awareness through a proactive and scientific pathway translating into career choices that make them confident and secure about their choice while empowering them in an ever-changing, diverse and global workforce.
Our Vision
To inspire and empower all students and professionals with knowledge and skills that help them make an informed choice to advance their academic, personal and career goals.
Our Values
• Openness and transparency: We believe that each person is unique and it is imperative to understand them to help chart out their “own” pathway. This can be achieved only through the process of sharing, exploring, creating awareness and them mapping them with the best of opportunities. This requires a two-way process of open and transparent communication, mutual respect and collaboration- to which we are committed.
• Building Relationships: We believe that career counselling is a process not a one-time activity and we build a productive working relationship through all stages of career development. One that makes our guidance, expertise and connections available at all times to help make smarter and more informed decisions.
• Explorers: We believe that we are explorers. We help students explore and discover their career goals and help them actualise them with the power of knowledge and skills.
• Passion : “We make a mark in the world by helping others make theirs”. Pursuing passions leads to more fulfilling careers and create more impactful, valuable and successful professionals. We translate our passion into your power and passion to pursue.
• Innovation : We believe and are committed to providing the best and the most up-to-date scientific process of assessments using AI platform.
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